Human Rights & Social Justice Mission


All Citizens of India who have attained the age of 18 years and want to help and support people in need and raise their voice for right are eligible to be the part of Human Rights & Social Justice Mission.



Only the National President has the authority to appoint a person on any position, others can only refer or recommend to him and If the membership is not approved by the president of the HRSJM, the reason for the refusal shall be communicated to the person / applicant concerned.
NOTE: The decision of the Founder / President shall be final and binding.


The Member of the Organization will be appointed on the post according to his qualification and capability to serve the Community. The unit members can get the post in a District level, State level & National level, in all over India, as President / Executive President / Deputy Executive President / Vice President / Deputy Vice President / Chief Secretary / Deputy Chief Secretary / Joint Secretary / Chief Observer / Deputy Chief Observer / Chief Reporting Officer / Deputy Chief Reporting Officer / Chief Co-ordinator / Deputy Chief Co-ordinator / Minority Welfare Secretary ® / Women Empowerment Secretary ® / Social Welfare Secretary / Consumer Welfare Secretary / Human Welfare Secretary / Administrative Secretary / Deputy Administrative Secretary / Information Secretary / Organising Secretary / Legal Advisor ® / Deputy Legal Advisor.

Designation will be decided by the President, others can only refer. All the members / units shall have to report directly to the National President for various activities or any social & legal problems faced by local people.


A) The term ‘MEMBER’ shall mean and include only that person whose name is entered in the membership register. Members shall not be entitled to claim any refund of membership fee or any other amount paid to HRSJM and the Society shall not be liable to refund any such amount paid under any circumstances.

B) We hope you will do your best for betterment of our society and introduce yourself on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp…) as HRSJM activist and support the needy people without any discrimination.

C) All the unit president has the responsibility to develop their units.


The governing body of the society shall have the power to expel / terminate a member or / and members, from the membership of HRSJM, on the following grounds;

A) on his / her death.
B) on written resignation.
C) if found to be involved in any anti-social activities.
D) if adjudged by any court of law to be a criminal offender.
E) if member works against the aims and objects of the society.
F) if failing to pay the up-to date membership subscription within one month of the due date.
G) if disregards rules and regulations or disobey the decisions of the governing body.

NOTE: The decisions of the President regarding the termination from the membership of the Organization shall be communicated to the member concerned.


1. To Plan the ways and means to implement various activities to achieve the Aims & Objectives at national level.
2. To plan and implement activities (only with prior approval of National Governing Body of HRSJM) which are not listed in aims & objects of HRSJM.
3. To enroll new primary members from time to time according to the the guidelines and directions laid down by the HRSJM with due approval of the Governing Body.
4. To generate income from various sources such as.

  • Donations
  • Publications
  • Memberships
  • Subscriptions
  • Other Sources

5. The units should send a bi-monthly report to the president regarding.

  • Various activities undertaken in last 2 months.
  • Funds generated from various sources.
  • Profile of future activities.

6. The unit has to work whole-heartedly to increase the membership of HRSJM & organize various activities to achieve the aims & objectives of the HRSJM.
7. The unit shall get the membership form filled by new proposed members & send it to the National Governing Body for its approval along with his/her bio-data with photograph & residential proof.
8. Membership forms are solely printed & distributed by the National Governing Body.
9. Unit shall send reports to the National Governing Body about any social & legal problems faced by local people.